Lyon (France), 27 June - 1 July 2022



This event will bring together recognized experts, young researchers and Ph.D. students working in Partial Differential Equations arising in fluid dynamics. The topics will include issues like heterogeneity effects, singular behaviours and multi-scale processes and their interplay in real world phenomena related to fluid motion and turbulence.

The format will consists of three introductive lecture series, intended for a wide audience (Master and Ph.D. students), and more specialized talks, presenting some of the most recent developements in the field.

The conference will take place at the Institut Camille Jordan, in the campus of the University of Lyon 1 Claude Bernard,  in Villeurbanne, close to Lyon.



Lectures series (3 lecture series of 4 hours each)

  • Anne-Laure Dalibard (LJLL, Sorbonne Université - Paris, France) - "Boundary layers in fluid dynamics"
  • Thierry Gallay (IF, Université Grenoble Alpes - Grenoble, France) - "Vortex Rings in Viscous and Ideal Flows"
  • Francisco Gancedo (Universidad de Sevilla - Sevilla, Spain) - "Incompressible Fluid Interfaces: Global Dynamics vs Blow-up"


List of speakers

  • Alexey Cheskidov (University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, USA)
  • Diego Córdoba (ICMAT - Madrid, Spain)
  • Gianluca Crippa (Universität Basel - Basel, Switzerland)
  • Mimi Dai (University of Illinois at Chicago - Chicago, USA)
  • Eduard Feireisl (Czech Academy of Sciences - Prague, Czech Republic)
  • Dragoş Iftimie (ICJ, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 - Lyon, France)
  • Christophe Prange (LAGM, CNRS & Cergy Paris Université - Cergy-Pontoise, France)
  • Frédéric Rousset (LMO, Université Paris-Saclay - Orsay, France)
  • Gregory Seregin (University of Oxford - Oxford, UK)
  • Franck Sueur (IMB, Université de Bordeaux - Bordeaux, France)
  • Klaus Widmayer (Universität Zürich - Zürich, Switzerland)
  • Andrej Zlatoš (University of California San Diego, USA)


Social dinner

The dinner of the conference will take place on Wednesday 29/06 at 8 p.m., at the restaurant Cité 33 (33, Quai Charles de Gaulle - 69006, Lyon).

The organisation will offer the dinner to the speakers and to the young participants who have received financial support.

The other participants are welcome: we kindly ask them a contribution of 20 euros to be payed to the organisers before Tuesday 28/06 at 11:00, to register for the dinner.


Organisers and contact

This event is organised by Lorenzo Brandolese (ICJ, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1), Valentina Busuioc (ICJ, Université Jean Monnet) and Francesco Fanelli (ICJ, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1).

For any question, please contact the organisers at the address

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